
“The Astrofarmer” is an animated short that presents a brief glimpse into the quiet life of an aquaponics farmer on a barren planet. I created the illustrations and animations using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and After Effects.

“Bestiarius” is a short film script that follows Livia, a beast fighter enslaved in the Roman empire. As she readies herself for her last fight, Livia thinks back on her life and the injustices she has endured.

“Bestiarius” won the Eckerd Review Prize for Fiction. You can read the story on page 106 of the Eckerd Review.

My first published piece of fiction, “Bf 109” is a short story set in England during World War II. The story’s protagonist, Technical Sergeant Tom Witkowski, is an American aircraft mechanic who watches the bombers depart from his airfield every day. Quiet and timid, Tom begins to notice new things about himself.

“Bf 109” won the Eckerd Review Prize for Fiction. You can read it on page 107 of the Eckerd Review.