Talks & Publications

This is my most recently published paper. I co-authored it with three other people and in it we explore how the indie video game Spiritfarer defies typical media stereotypes of older adults and how this is a timely intervention during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This is a recording of my presentation at the 2021 Games for Change Festival. It is a condensed version of my Spiritfarer paper above.

This paper, on which I am a co-author, is my first published piece in a peer-reviewed journal. In it, we discuss how games can implicitly teach their players and then use the SHMUP game, Fragile Equilibrium, as a case study for this concept.

While studying independent film and film criticism at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival, I co-wrote a review of the film Un Traductor after attending its screening and interviewing its directors. The review was published in Creative Loafing Tampa Bay.

This video essay, accompanied by a written paper, was the final project of my undergraduate film studies capstone course. In it, I make a claim for director Brad Bird’s authorship by analyzing the depictions of masculinity in his films.